Aspirational targets / resilience assembly (via Apollo)

I was asked to give a short (5-7 minute) assembly recently on a space or science theme. I decided to use the story of the Apollo mission to get over the idea of setting an aspirational target (as Kennedy did in 1962) and being resilient in the face of failure (using the story of the ‘Apollo 1’ fire). The subsequent Apollo missions were mentioned in the context of setting further targets once you’ve achieved success. The Galileo experiment using a feather and hammer is worthy of mention here too (video included). Other ‘failures’ (Apollo 13 and Challenger / Columbia) were mentioned in the context of learning from them and making improvements. The final image shows a landing on Mars and poses the question of whether this is an aspirational target.

I very keen on the idea of seeing failure as “First Attempt In Learning” and so used that in the assembly too.

The file used is a Keynote but can be converted to .ppt.


EDIT: I have just found out that in Internet Explorer the video clips won’t play in iCloudBeta. I will convert the whole file to .pptx and repost…


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